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Celebration Tree Registration Form


If you wish to register an interest in purchasing a celebration tree please fill out the form below.




The location for the Celebration Grove is block 1a, the wood pasture. This is in the West Field, adjacent to the Nidderdale Greenway, close to the eventual main entrance. The grove will have an accessible path running through it.

Plantings will be well spaced allowing growth into truly grand trees over the years.


The price is £500 per tree, and this includes: 

  • A ‘standard’ size tree, approximately 1.8-2.0 metres in height.

  • A choice of species either pedunculate oak, sessile oak, hornbeam, beech or common alder (please note availability will depend on adherence to our agreed species mix).

  • A protective fence – this is to protect from herbivore damage such as deer browsing.

  • Two tree stakes with cross bar and buckle ties.

  • A simple commemorative plaque, similar to those found on memorial benches.

  • A replacement tree should it not survive for any reason.


If you require mobility access to the site, please contact us at:

Otherwise, please see the directions to the site, here: Directions to Long Lands Common.

Celebration Tree
Registration Form

Thank you for registering.
We will contact you in response shortly.

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