Our open Share Offer is currently closed to new member applications.
Please only use the form below if you have been specifically invited to apply for Long Lands Common membership.
Before purchasing your shares you are advised to read our Share Offer : LONG LANDS COMMON SHARE OFFER
You may also wish to read our Business Plan : LONG LANDS COMMON BUSINESS PLAN
Each share costs £1 and we are selling them in batches of 50 (i.e £50, £100, £150, £200 etc).
The minimum investment is £50. The maximum is £37,500.
Please fill out the form below then click on "Submit form and proceed to payment"
We are committed to making sure that the share buying process is a smooth one, and if problems are encountered please contact Jo Smalley, our Membership Secretary, at info@longlandscommon.org, and she can help with advice on completing the form, or making a paper form application.
Shares can still be bought until the 20th of December.