This is an obsolete version of our share sales page.
Please purchase your shares in Long Lands Common from our Crowdfunder page, here:
Before purchasing your shares you are advised to read our Share Offer : LONG LANDS COMMON SHARE OFFER
You may also wish to read our Business Plan : LONG LANDS COMMON BUSINESS PLAN
Each share costs £1 and we are selling them in batches of 50 (i.e £50, £100, £150, £200 etc).
The minimum investment is £50. The maximum is £37,500.
Please print out one of the forms below, and send your completed form to:
Long Lands Common Ltd, 12b Regent Street, Harrogate, HG1 4BE.
If you don’t have access to a printer please leave a message on our
answerphone (01423 560283) and we will post a form out to you.
Application form for an individual
Application form to purchase shares as a gift
Application form to purchase shares as an organisation
To pay via cheque, please include it along with your form when you return it by post.
Cheque payee: Long Lands Common Ltd.
Please include your surname and initial(s) on the back of the cheque as reference.
To pay via direct BACS transfer, please send your payment to:
Payee: Long Lands Common. Sort Code: 08-92-99. Account Number: 65894222.
For BACS payment, please include your surname and initial(s) as reference.
PLEASE NOTE: When paying by BACS our account cannot currently be confirmed as verified by the big six banks because our Coop Bank is yet to join new the 'Confirmation of Payee' system they are now using. Please be assured that payments will still be safely and successfully made using the sort code, account number and payee details provided.